Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lilofee - Nov 21 @ El Rio w/ Music for Animals & Nov 27 @ Hemlock

Rob- guitar
Cyrus- bass
Dan - drums
shea- guitar
chris- keys

LittleBook: Why did you start a band??
Lilofee: Well, originally we didn't mean to start a band. I (Kimi) was visiting from New York,and Rob and I ended up working in the studio for two days straight. After that, I just decided to stay, and after working as a duo for about six months, we recruited our friends to complete the live lineup

LB: How did you find each other??
L: Well, Rob and I had heard about one another for quite some time, a lot of our friends kept bugging us to make music together. One night, at an afterparty, we actually met, and the next day we locked ourselves in a studio for two days, and so began Lilofee.

LB: What's your most memorable moment as a band??
L: I think when Rob and I finished our first song together, after 12 hours of being locked in this small studio,walking out into the "real world", at 6AM, and then listening to the song over and over again in Rob's car, and knowing that is was the beginning of something really special.

LB: Where do you practice? What do you drink at practice? What do you do at practice when you’re not practicing?
L: We practice at our rehearsal studio on Polk and Sutter. The boys usually drink whiskey and beer, and I drink water. When we're not practicing, I'm usually trying to teach myself how to play the drums or working on my interpretive dancing while the boys are smoking outside.

LB: What's does being in a band mean in 2009?
L: Not a whole lot, apparently everyone's doing it.

LB: What's the best / worst thing about being a band in San Francisco??
L: Well, its smaller than say New York or LA, so its easier to make connections, play shows,etc...but in the end its just like being a big fish in a small pond...and sometimes its kind of hard to break out from being at that point.

LB: What do you want people to know about your band, what are you doing next??
L: We're recording a two disc second album. Its going to be completely different from the first one, but somehow cohesive to our sound. Our music video for Destroy Me is in post production, and is being released in the next couple of months. We're releasing a single through Origami Records in LA, and we will be releasing our album, The Only Years, before the year is over.And we're playing lots of shows in the next three months, so keep checking our space.

LB: What’s up with your CD where can I get it, where did you record it??
L: We'll be releasing it in December, probably, until then you can get it by coming to our show and buying it. We recorded and mixed it at our studio in the Tenderloin

LB: Was there a local show you remember that inspired you to start a band??
L: Not a local show...but it is inspiring to go watch an insanely good band just rip it out. We're all really into this band, Leopold and his Fiction, they're probably one of our favorite SF bands.

LB: Favorite venue to Play??
L: Mezzanine for the sound and Rickshaw Stop for the vibe

LB: What's this SFxSD thing all about?
L: We kind of just signed on to play it, but I'm going to venture out on a limb here and say its San Diego bands vs San Francisco bands.

LB: Have you played El Rio before? What do you like about it??
L: We, as a band, haven't played El Rio, but I love the outdoor set-up, and the whole vibe of the place is really great. It's definitely one of SF's better dives.

LB: Who's the smelliest member after a sweaty gig??
L: Can't divulge that.

LB: Favorite pre / post show; food, indulgence or ritual??
L: We sacrifice a virgin.

LB: Where do you think live music is heading??
L: I think as always, live music has many tentacles. I'd like to think that art, fashion and music are starting to intertwine themselves more, that live music will continue to grow aesthetically and sonically. With technology becoming more advanced, and more available to the masses, I think the future holds some pretty amazing possibilities.

LB: How do you feel about people downloading your songs for free , do you offer free downloads??
L: A couple of our songs are available for downloads. I think its good to give people a taste of what you sound like. I love downloading new music, and if I think a band is good, then I'll support them by buying the vinyl record or cd, and going to their shows. Free downloads are essential to spreading the music around, but I think people need to remember that the music they love and listen to needs to be supported financially in some way.

Nov 21 2009 8:00P
El Rio w/ Music for Animals san francisco, California
Nov 27 2009 10:00P
Hemlock San francisco, California
Dec 19 2009 8:00P
Red Devil Lounge san francisco, California

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